Ilsian Games

Flash attack is a game you can play for minutes or hours.  It's a fast-paced, tank-killin', base-stormin' good time. 



Flash Attack is not quite ready for public download.  Please check back again soon for updates!

2006-Jan-17 Gearing up for beta!  Have new HOWTO play guide and a beta test section for official testers.

2006-Jan-09 Slowly working towards an official Beta release.  I'm finishing/debugging a standalone server mode to host games and trying to recover from errors more gracefully.

2005-Nov-24 Things are going well.  The underlying UDP stream algorithm I had in place was simply incapable of handling the type of packet loss of distanced in general, and couldn't even handle large macro execution on the same machine.  I've rewritten most of it using a more complex version with lots of buffering and explicit retries.  But now to make sure its working properly!  It at least supports the big-base macro on my local net, and the old version bombed on that every time.


flash attack



Flash Attack pits from 2-8 players in a free-for-all combat fest.  You begin with a base and two active tanks.  Your objective is simple: destroy everyone else without dying.

Your base is nicely equipped with defensive shields and seekers to keep it safe, and nukes and lasers to attempt to hit the enemy at range.  Your tanks can roam the mapping seeking your enemy, do battle with enemy tanks, and blast the enemies base with their phasers.  Or sit in wait for your enemy to find you, building walls and mine fields to stall his advances.

NEW! How to play guide!

I've now added a quick introduction page to help new players acclimate to the game mechanics.


-Supports win32, Linux, and maybe even MacOS Platform (written in Java)

-Host and Client modes, 2-8 players networked over IP

-User customizable macros

Screen Shots

Keys and Configuration

I have this here for Alpha testers and reference.  The keys may change or become configurable.

Movement: up, down, left, right (cursors - no diagonals)
Firing: <shift> + up, down, left, right
Drop a Pod: P
Drop a Mine: M
Base Seeker: S
Fire Nuke: N
Fire Laser: L
Base Defense Shield: D

Macro Menu: Z
Menu/Cancel Dialog: ESC